What to Expect

Every event we do has a time and place as the theme. Unless otherwise specified, think western France during the 100 Years War between the battle of Crecy in 1346 and the lifting of the siege of OrlĂ©ans in 1429. Individual events may be more specific or move the location; with enough interest, we could do the battle of Agincourt, or the Viking raid on Lindisfarne, or something else entirely. Attendees will make their personal portrayal and the portrayal of all their possessions accurate to the theme of the event. What we’re not looking for is generic “medievalish” participation.

The point is enthusiasm, not dogma. Of course there are exceptions for medical purposes and safety.

Events have posted hours to start and stop the authenticity requirements. During this time window, there are no blatantly modern intrusions; no phones, camp chairs, out-of-period clothes, plastic equipment tubs, or even loud discussions about one’s day job. Before and after these hours is the time to set up and take down and haul gear with modern conveyances.

The theme for each event will be published in advance. It could be as simple as a day at the market in town, with a band of knights looking to prove themselves by issuing challenges to passersby. It could be a battle recreation, or a meeting in a village before the fall harvest.

Not sure about participation? Grab a seat in period costume, watch it all happen around you, and find your welcome as part of the day.